At Lioness we have been committed to supporting charitable causes,
we take pride knowing our product also serves as a purpose for the greater good.
As an going commitment to giving back we have strengthened our partnerships
in recent years, to highlight unheard voices and promote meaningful change.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia’s leading not-for-profit organisation funding world-class breast cancer research towards our vision of Zero Deaths from breast cancer.

One Tree Planted is an environmental nonprofit that is dedicated to making it simple for anyone to help the environment. Our simplified donation process and global reach has helped us build a movement of supporters who believe in the power of trees.

Share the Dignity works to make a real, on-the-ground difference to the lives of women, girls and those who menstruate who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness, domestic violence or poverty.

At Equality Now, we believe in creating a just world for women and girls. Since 1992, our international network of lawyers, activists and supporters have tackled the most difficult issues, challenged ingrained cultural assumptions and called out inequality wherever we see it.

At The Smith Family, we believe that education is one of the world’s most powerful change agents. That’s why we focus on helping young Australians to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty.

Thread Together collects brand new unsold clothing from all around the country, saving it from landfill. We partner with charities and social service agencies to distribute it to people doing it tough.

WWF’s global mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. WWF-Australia is part of the WWF International Network, the world’s leading, independent conservation organisation.

Mummy’s Wish helps manage the distressing burden of cancer on mums and their families by providing practical, tailored support during the entire treatment journey.

Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Our mission is to grant the wish of every eligible child – a quest sparked by the belief that a wish is integral to a child’s treatment.

McGrath Foundation
At the McGrath Foundation, we raise money to fund McGrath Breast Care Nurses who provide invaluable support and care to women and men experiencing breast cancer. From diagnosis right throughout treatment, McGrath Breast Care Nurses are available to help individuals and their families for free and with no referral.